Septic New Install

Let's pursue some of the technical issues with the “new” OSSFs. How do you design for peak flows? How many gallons per minute or per day do you plan on, above the average daily flow?

How do you accommodate solids management? How many gallons per day of solids will accumulate before the system must be pumped? What do your calculations show about the probable pump-out frequency? If you want to increase solids retention, what additional steps must you take to maintain treatment performance?

What consideration do you give to the lack of homeowner participation in the operation of the system? Do provide designs or systems that require them to clean the filters or refill the chlorinator when you know they won't do it? As a regulator, do you require devices or programs that complicate, and do not improve, system performance?

Have you accounted for odor control? Can you give your customers a dispersal field that satisfies their desire for something other than a flat slab of grass in their otherwise beautiful landscaping?

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